Oh boy! I am exactly 7 months pregnant today. I officially have 9 weeks to go. I can remember being only 9 weeks pregnant and thinking that I would never get to the other side. I am so excited to be in the home stretch, and yet I keep telling myself not to get too attached to dates since there is a good chance I will go past my due date.
Here are my 31-week statistics and some photos that were taken yesterday by my lovely
How far along? 31 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: somewhere between 14 and 15 lbs
Food cravings: Back to Wendy's. Yikes!!!
Feeling Baby? Yes. Pretty sure he is doing acrobatics in there.
What I love this week: Christmas!!
What I hate: The acid reflux/heartburn and feeling like I have to pee right after I go.
What I can't wait for: Spending time with family and friends.
Moment of last week: having some time to myself. and hot chocolate :)
You are so beautiful! Have Trevor sing you to sleep? LY< Carol